Monday, February 15, 2010

Moore on Higdons in Decatur, Georgia

I have created this blog to keep a record my genealogical progress. Genea-Trekking isn't always 'logical' though. It's often full of tangents and unusual discoveries.

Today for instance. I decided to try to figure out more about my grandmother Louise Higdon's ancestor, Martha Ann Moore. She lived in Decatur, Georgia her whole life. She was born in 1831 and died in 1893. She married John Robert Butler on 15 February 1849 (one-hundred sixty-one years ago TODAY!).

I can't get any further back on Martha Ann. I thought maybe searching through Decatur records might reveal some clues. It didn't. BUT, I did find the record of confirmation of my grandmother Louise's original name. She always maintained that she was first named "Johnnie" after a beloved relative/brother of her father?/ uncle who had died from a shooting accident just before she was born. She was the first grandchild born after John Higdon had died. I have searched and searched for a record of this. Found it today. While looking for Martha Ann Moore.

1880 Federal Census Mortality Schedule, Decatur, Georgia.

Higdon, Henry died at 13 years, of pneumonia, 242 Decatur
Higdon, John, died at 18 years, in November, "Shot Accidentally"

Maybe, just maybe, this clue on John and Henry will help me find out more about Martha...


  1. 1879 was a tough year for J.J. Higdon and his wife Sarah E (Parrott)Higdon. In October, their thirteen year old son Henry died of pneumonia (also listed as enteritis). The next month, their eighteen year old son John died in an accidental shooting. Sarah E (aka Sallie and Sara Margaret) and J.J. (also known as James Jackson or John J.) had a son late that November. They named him John Henry Higdon.

    But none of this has brought me any closer to clues on Martha. I guess I'll have to look for more on the Butler family in and around Decatur, Georgia.

  2. John Henry Higdon, b 1879, and named after his brothers John (d 18 yrs of age) and Henry (d 13 yrs of age) who had died just months before his birth, died 13 Nov 1887, just a month before his 8th birthday. He died due to an accidental gunshot, too.
